Who writes crap like this? What knucklehead would offer this drivel in a public statement, worldwide and to millions of people.
Kenneth Flodin video - from 0:18
"... Brother Splane masterfully explained this generation with all it entailed. He did such a beautiful job, I'm not going to attempt to repeat it.
For many years we felt that this generation referred to the unfaithful Jews in the first century....and in the modern day fulfillment it was felt that Jesus was referring to the wicked generation that would see the features of the conclusion of the system of things.
That was likely because often times in the Bible when the word generation was used it was in a negative sense. There were qualifiers like 'wicked generation', 'twisted', 'adulterous', 'crooked' generation ... and so it was assumed that the generation that would by knows means pass away until the end came would also be the wicked generation of today.
However, that notion was adjusted in Feb 15, 2008 issue of the Watchtower. There it referenced Matt 24:32-33.
[Reads and comments on Matt 24: 32-33.
In the April 15, 2010 issue of the Watchtower said of Jesus, He evidently meant that the lives of the annointed, who were on hand when the sign began to be evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other annointed ones who would see the start of the Great Tribulation.
To refresh your memory on our current understanding let's have Brother Splane explain that chart again that summarized the details of this generation."
[and the drivel continues.]